Grove Project: Park Benches and Lamp Posts

Grove Project: Park Benches and Lamp Posts

Written by: Brenda Williams
Photo by: Bob Myra McKee

FMHM is promoting through donations a heavy gauge metal Park Bench and Lamp Post set in a concrete pad for $2000 per set. The 6′ Metal Park Benches and 8′ tall Lamp Posts with a single light are to be located in the Grove Park area around the Gazebo. Electricity is installed and ready for connections. The benches and lamp posts are available through donation as a memorial with personally engraved metal plaques applied to each item commemorating a family, veteran, loved one, or business. There will be nine sets installed in the Grove area and twelve more available to be placed around the Flag, Memorial, and School House at a later date.

We are grateful for the encouragement offered by your continued response to our projects. Our 2nd Annual Founder’s Day Celebration is scheduled for September 27-28 in the Downtown Park Area. Again, the bands will play from our newly constructed gazebo; Living History will be set up for education and information concerning the early battles fought in the area. A petting zoo and pony rides will be available for little ones. The Dulcimers will perform their special music and the Dancers will strut their rhythm. FMHM will host the Falkner Schools on Friday morning for games, activities, and lunch. Winners of the Student’s Family Trees and the Special Ancestor’s Story will be announced at noon on Saturday with cash prizes given to winners in each of the three age categories.

The fire engine will be available for exploring and information; vendors will display their crafts and foods; the hay ride and bouncing will entertain; a photo booth and information station will answer your history questions. The Cooper Hill School host, Ms. Glenda Smith, will be available for a tour, sorties, and history information concerning the Cooper School and its interesting past. Costumes and period dress is requested. Volunteers may sign up with any of the FMHM members and information is available through any of our group and Facebook.

We welcome you to enjoy the Falkner Heritage Park and its facilities. Come eat a burger, a hot dog, or nachos. Bring your lawn chair to sit with us in the Grove, and we might even cut a rug while the band plays on!

Thank you for your generous gifts and labor of love helping FMHM Group in their quest to restore and reinvent the history of Falkner, MS.