Letter to Veterans

Letter to Veterans

Written by Brenda Williams

Falkner MS Heritage Museum Project family members and Community extend to each of you a special invitation to visit the Veteran’s Memorial Monument and the US Flag both positioned in the Downtown Falkner, MS Park area.

Special donations and volunteers have made this honorable site a notable spot in our FMHM Park. Each Branch of Military Service is demonstrated with engravings marked to call attention to special Military divisions. Our Flag and Monument are lighted so you may see and remember our Veterans as you pass through our Park. 

While we pause to commemorate Armistice Day on November 11, 2019, we extend special homage to our Veterans of every branch, their wives and families; remembering the great sacrifices they made for our Freedom and Security. 

We have had kin who served in the Revolutionary War, Spanish/American War,  Civil War, the Great War, WWII, Korean, Viet Nam conflict, Desert Storm, and those others not mentioned. It is our duty to recall those who paid the price for us. We would not be recognized as we are today if they had not served as they did. ‘Our Nation Under God’ has its liberty because of these brave soldiers. 

Our Nation is young compared to some but never short on ‘courage.’ Military records reflect many men and women who stepped up to their calling. Too many lives gone we say; chances are if they were here they would do it again! That is ‘courage’, the price for Freedom. Our early founders fought for freedom while clearing a homestead. Their pilgrimage brought them across where they sought  home, land and opportunity. Freedom! It did not come cheap. Loss and lives were the price. Lives are priceless! Yes! We could never repay that but we can honor them with ours.May we each strive to meet the calling for our continued Freedom.

Some of the brave and strong are still among us and often struggle to be that, so we salute you this day; both those here and gone and may you know that as we pause for a moment in remembrance we ask our Great God that there will always be the ‘Brave and Strong’ and may we never let them go from our memories.  

It is with great pride that we acknowledge each fallen hero remembering that they took our place in defending our Nation and its people. Our generation is blessed to have living heroes among our residents. Salute a Veteran today and tell them how you appreciate them. Let them tell you about it!   Hear their stories

They are living heroes! 

The Town of Falkner and its people have joined together to offer to each of you this special Park for remembering the Falkner past and honoring our Heritage by saluting our Heroes. Thank you and may our Great God keep and protect us as we strive to live up to our Heritage. God Bless America and its warriors.