Coronavirus Update

Written by Brenda Williams

FMHM project members are grateful for those of you who have purchased Spring items posted on the Falkner Heritage FB site. Crafted yard decorations, door wreathes and hangers are still available for purchase as well as table decorations and novel Easter centerpieces. All proceeds from the sale of these items will go into the FMHM Museum Project funding and will be used to further the Heritage Park improvements. Phone numbers are available for more information, contact location and prices. 

Many regrets are that it was necessary to postpone the Spring Festival but as we are much involved in the Corona Virus Quarantine our first concern is for the health and welfare of our Community and it’s people. We offer prayers to our Great God for those who have contracted this virus and continue to plead to Him for further protection and healing. We pay special homage to our brave Medical staff, doctors and care givers who have courageously stepped up to their calling. Our Community joins the many who have complied to the stringent rules of the quarantine request made by our President and the Health officials of our government with the hopes of soon rejoining our regularly scheduled lives; schooling, employment, shopping and worship. 

These are difficult times but as we strive to obey the particulars of this quarantine may we grow closer in our care and concern toward members of our family and community. It is a time when the needs of others are far greater than our own. May we do for others in a spirit pleasing to our Lord.

Scheduled events will be posted as time, weather and conditions permit and as our Lord wills. 

We look forward to the further plans for our Museum Project and are hopeful to join you soon in the Park for another FMHM event. Plat plans, estimates and scheduled events will be posted in the City Hall for your interest and concern and regular notices will be posted on the FB site. 

We are collecting books for our Library which can be dropped off at the City Hall. The Little Free Library will soon be installed near the Park for additional reading interests. 

This web page has been set up for easy access to information concerning the Falkner Heritage and Community interests, Events, Stories and Lifelines. We encourage your involvement and welcome your blogs. Interesting History would make good reading while we look for items of interest. Thank you for sharing.

May we look out for each other and extend kindness even when it hurts! It could be contagious!