Minutes for March

FMHM Project Meeting

Minutes for March 9, 2020

City Hall Falkner, MS

6:00 General Monthly Meeting – 5:00 Pre-met for committees 

Call to order Myra McKee President

Prayer: Larry Street with mention of illness in the Community and concern for Nation/Election

February minutes – Brenda Williams, Sec. 

   Approved as read

Treasurer’s report: Zingara Wilbanks- $22,838.88 on hand

   Report from sales pending

   Report on IRS filing-exempt 

   Report on Print/Sponsorship booklet-Zingara Wilbanks

      Change to list of Acknowledgements

Construction report: John Kennedy presented report-no present activity on Schoolhouse repair

      Consider beam presently stored in Labrearre House for support?

      Plat plan, drawings, list of improvements and estimates located on Bulletin Board in City Hall 

Events report: Weather and looming virus caution presented reason to postpone all activity where

   Crowds would gather until further notice. 

   Website sales resume with photos of sale items posted

   Crafting resumes as prescribed 

   School activities canceled; Vendors pending?

Tees order soon arrive see Myra McKee

Little Library pending – location, installation, charter and dedication

     Plaques to be ordered $40 each- two

        John Kennedy to mount for $100-Suggested locations 

            Park area, Hill Bros building , City Hall – to be contacted

   Car Show April 25th at Baptist Church Parking Lot – on going (Postponed pending virus lockdown)

      Larry Street commandeering

         Donated items for prizes (pending reschedule)

Viet Nam monument on wheels tour scheduled for March 10 @ 4:30-5:30 in local area

   Stations located along the way – Hwy 15 and Hwy 370 West

      To be located in Ashland Fairgrounds for show to visitors

Fire Department Pork Butts pick up and plates on Saturday morning at FD April 11, 2020 

Discussion-postponing of Spring Fest to be scheduled at that time

Discussion concerning FMHM photo for Year book 

     During Spring Fest Mar 20-21

        Possible reschedule   

Guest speaker: Ms Lonette Cappleman-Librarian at Middleton School, TN

   Spoke to instructions concerning Library Cataloging and Checkout for donated books

      Email instruction and details available libib.com and Dewey Decimal classification book

      Purchase suggestions; Library Bible for ref, Index cards and pockets 

Historian-Gary Bullock 

   Brought donated scrapbook from Dwight Brown teacher at Falkner, MS High School

      Assigned to FMHM Library-donation

Library books to go to Schoolhouse until shelving is installed and checkout system available

      Suggested helpers: Gloria Elliott and Glenda Smith?

Membership list to be updated


All activity tentatively postponed due to Virus as per Health and Gov official regulations.