June 2020 Newsletter

Written by Brenda Williams

This is June 2020 and times are very different in Falkner, MS. The stores are opening slowly now for business with cautious shoppers still keeping their distances- masks and gloves are still a must. The virus continues to loom over us with numbers of cases now in the thousands here in MS. We are all very careful and rightly so! Each family has been effected in some way by the illnesses or death. Our hearts and prayers are extended to all who have had to struggle during this pandemic. One of our prominent elderly citizen Ms Juanita Cross is struggling for her life in the Tupelo MS Hospital. She is nearing 103.

Businesses are allowing some shopping, but the banks and some town lobbies remain closed. Muddy Creek has been curb service til just last week but is now serving inside with distanced seating, and we all are encouraged to comply to requested precautions. The Post Office lobby is open but screened off over the counter. Schools are doing clean-up but seems no definite dates. Contractors and construction companies are back to work. Hospitals and clinics are open with scheduling distanced and waiting rooms are asking that you wear a mask and sit distanced from your neighbor.

Our FMHM meeting last month was held in the Gazebo and those attending were distanced. Our business was short but encouraging. Seems everyone was glad to get out. We are hopeful to begin events soon and open events in the Park.

The quarantine began this March where we were instructed to Stay Home! All businesses shut down, schools closed, and in effect ‘Time stood still’. All events were canceled. The Health and Government officials encouraged all to ‘Stay Home’. This order was given for every ones safety and well being. Don’t spread it. Avoid contact and exposure to those who might be contagious. That was easier for those like myself who live alone, but very difficult for families who were used to a busy schedule with everyone going everywhere. We extend deep concern to all who have had financial struggles.

In this area the ‘Stay home’ was similar to a vacation. We don’t have to dress, wear makeup and we can choose our schedule! Don’t dress until late or not at all! No one is going to visit and there is really nowhere to go! ‘The Dollar Store! ‘ It reminded me of how it was when we were at home ‘back when’ and school was out. Slept late, sat on the porch, in the swing, baked something, put a puzzle together, read, took a walk, sat in the sun, listened to the radio, got a perm, played records, learned a new dance step! That was a Summer shut down. Well! Almost, we had to get the vines out of the corn! And the garden picked, and the yard mowed! We did have a radio and tv but not iPhones! It was great, I thought! Staying home is great.

Indications are that we will continue this limited quarantine for some time. Can’t really predict how this will effect us in the Falkner Heritage Project but for the next year but  this time is ideal for planning and strategy. Open-air markets and sales could be a safe and profitable event for our Park projects this Fall and Winter. While home-bound we can stockpile items for arts and crafts, collect books, items for junk sales and start preparing for our Christmas Bazaar. Those who stay home most of the time will have opportunity to plan and work on items for the Fall and Winter. Come aboard and join us.

Before the quarantine it was easy to access items, shop and hit the garage sales, til obviously now we will have to redirect our strategy. Actually open market sales are famous and re-examining our approach can prove successful. Got to re-organize. Put it on paper, post it for all to see and involve the Town and Community in the operation. We still have our online connections and phones. Communication is not Shut Down!

The Little Library boxes are located at Hwy 15 and CR 200 intersection and behind the City Hall in the edge of the Park. We encourage you to ‘Take a Book’ and ‘Leave a Book’. There are books for all ages. The Gazebo is an inviting place to sit and read and enjoy the Park. The Boxes are labeled and numbered for identification on the International Map of Little Libraries. Our appreciation to Phyllis and Wayne Hill for building the Little Houses. Our arts and crafts gurus did the graphics. Robert and Myra McKee and helpers put them in the ground. So many volunteering friends. Thank you. If you have books to donate please leave them at City Hall and we will get them installed in the Little Libraries. So much appreciated!

While we are now a ‘Stay Home’ Community we welcome you to participate in the FB Heritage Site and Web Page. Send your stories of interest and post photos from your Family History or Events for all to enjoy or if you have recipes to share please let us know. As the Summer approaches there will be scheduled Family Reunions and Cemetery Memorials though out the county so be sure to direct visitors to the Park and the Cooper Hill School House. We will be glad to open it for you by appointment. We are fortunate to have such a lovely Pavilion in the Park in Downtown Falkner and we welcome you to enjoy it when you are in the area.

The FMHM Event Committee will plan sales and small events in the Park as permitted so watch our Heritage site for dates and events. Plans are to design and publish a booklet displaying photos and information from past FMHM events which will show many of our Family members and neighbors participating in the fun and excitement of the last 3 years of FMHM Projects. Through help from each of you we have been blessed to be able to demonstrate our care for the Old Town of Falkner, MS for the last few years by opening up the Downtown area for everyone to enjoy.                                                             

Our plans for further development of the Park has been temporarily interrupted during the Covid virus quarantine. However, construction plans are continuing for the Museum Project as are the plans to schedule our Special Programs and Events for the Fall and Winter. As these plans are finalized they will be posted for all to view and when possible we will all again be permitted to participate in the FMHM Museum Construction Project and Grounds improvements.

The Cooper Hill School House was leveled with concrete pads added underneath the old piers and a beam was installed in the center to secure the floor joists. Our appreciation to the Kennedy Construction crew for their work on the old School House.

The FMHM members and committees wish to express to you our grateful appreciation for your continued support and confidence. Please add us to your list of interests and attend our meetings when possible. We covet your prayers and together with the help of our Gracous Lord we do expect great things in Falkner, MS.

Wishing all well and safe.