July 2021 Newsletter

Written by Brenda Williams

Happy 4th to you! Weather is great and a long weekend seems ideal for a holiday break. I am thankful to our Great God for our opportunity to spend time with family and friends outside the confines of what has been a ‘New Normal!’.

Falkner Heritage projects in the Park have been quiet but as material prices continue to look promising further construction will soon begin. The Public Restrooms are next on the Project list. This addition will connect to the back wall of the Town Hall consisting of two restrooms and additional storage units and will be joined onto the existing structure with an outside entry to the facilities. This addition will be a great asset to the needs in the Park area allowing access to closer conveniences during Public Gatherings and Social events.

The Cooper Hill School House remains a priority as plans are to continue construction on it by adding a porch, level and secure the floor, replace the exterior siding, add new windows, heat/a.c. and secure the building by adding a new front door. With these improvements completed the Schoolhouse will better serve as a temporary meeting place for small gatherings, a showroom for craft sales and as planned, an information headquarters/library for Visitors searching Falkner History and research.

Of course our ultimate need for the Park is a Museum and Community Building.  Plans have been completed for this project and have been offered for pricing but until now the costs of materials have hindered the process. The Depot design for the Museum contains rooms with sliding doors allowing for access to museum display areas as well as a meeting space and library research area. Included in the design are restrooms and storage area. The building plans are on display on the board inside the Town Hall. All are welcome to view the board where drawings are posted as well as event scheduling and updates. We welcome your input.

Much effort is involved in plans for a Community Park and Museum but getting it accomplished depends on getting everyone on board; involving each person in the Falkner MS Area and even further. If we ALL come together we can accomplish this great Museum Project. This is real folks! it is not just a dream. Hours have been involved in this plan. This group has been meeting for years. The goal of this FMHM Heritage group is to promote for you and your families a legacy of Old Falkner History. The Park is a place to rest in the shade yes! but a Museum is a permanent facility where each of you can show your family information and heirlooms -bits of History for all to see; as well as to teach your children how you arrived to this place; where you all came from and who you really are!  This is Your Heritage.

FMHM invites you to attend our monthly meetings on each second Monday at the Town Hall at 6:00 pm. To watch the Falkner Heritage site on FB for information concerning upcoming events activities or post and view old photos and stories . Anyone interested in the projects in the Heritage Park, donations, contributions or activities please contact us through the Falkner Heritage P.O.113 Falkner, MS 38629  Park information, names, phone numbers and brochures are available in the office at Town Hall.

Our continued progress is dependent on your generosity and your personal  involvement and interest in our Town of Falkner and it’s Heritage. We are grateful to each and everyone for all your gifts and labor and together we can plan to accomplish this great project. May you all be safe and well and enjoy the 4th